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EDTA Nasal Spray Combinations

The chelating agent EDTA has been used in medications and personal care formulations for many years. This ingredient can be found in numerous household products like shampoos, soaps, detergents, cosmetics, and more. It is also often prescribed to be used intranasally as a biofilm disrupter, which means it is able to break apart the biofilm that harbors bacteria in the nasal passages. This is essential for treating stubborn infections that…
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Topical Antifungals

Topical antifungals are used for treating a variety of conditions affecting the skin, nails, mouth, ears, and more. As fungal infections of these areas are common, topical antifungals are some of the most frequently prescribed compounded medications. There are several antifungals that have been available commercially for many years. Nystatin, for example, was first discovered in the 1950s. However the dosage strengths and methods of administration can often be limited.…
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Antifungal Nasal Spray

An antifungal nasal spray is prescribed for topical treatment of infections in the nasal passages and sinuses. Fungal infections can lead to chronic sinusitis with nasal congestion, runny nose, and difficulty breathing.  Individuals with compromised immune systems are more susceptible to fungal infections that can progress to a serious condition. Those who have had to live in environments with mold sometimes develop biotoxin illness, which can require multiple treatment methods…
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Brewer Protocol and Biotoxin Illness

Brewer Protocol and Biotoxin Illness In our last blog we talked about the Shoemaker Protocol, which is one method of treating biotoxin illness associated with exposure to mycotoxins. In this blog we’re going to talk about an alternative called the Brewer Protocol. Developed by Dr. Joseph Brewer and his colleagues, this protocol focuses on the colonization of bacteria in the sinus cavities. According to Dr. Brewer’s research this is the…
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Shoemaker Protocol and Biotoxin Illness

Dr. Richie Shoemaker is one of the leading physicians and researchers studying illness related to mold exposure. He has written extensively on how mold exposure contributes to a range of health problems including CIRS. His website and books are the go-to resources for anyone suffering from biotoxin illness as well as for medical professionals treating the condition. Certification in the Shoemaker Protocol is available to doctors through survivingmold.com, which is…
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What is Biotoxin Illness (aka CIRS)?

Biotoxin illness (or mold sickness) is one of those illnesses that can be difficult to detect at first. When you start experiencing symptoms you may confuse them with another kind of illness or not pay attention to them. It isn’t always apparent that you have a mold problem in your house or work environment. Anywhere in a building where moisture is present is a place for mold to grow. Leaks…
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