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Nasal Drug Delivery

Nasal drug delivery is one of the more overlooked methods of drug administration. Research is just starting to catch up to the widespread prescribing of nasal sprays by physicians. The nasal sprays most patients will be familiar with are things like decongestants for cold symptom relief and antihistamines for relief of allergy symptoms. However there are many other conditions that can be treated with nasally administered medications. History of Nasal…
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Antifungal Nasal Spray

An antifungal nasal spray is prescribed for topical treatment of infections in the nasal passages and sinuses. Fungal infections can lead to chronic sinusitis with nasal congestion, runny nose, and difficulty breathing.  Individuals with compromised immune systems are more susceptible to fungal infections that can progress to a serious condition. Those who have had to live in environments with mold sometimes develop biotoxin illness, which can require multiple treatment methods…
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Glutathione Supplementation

There are some medications and supplements that are not well known but have a wide range of possible applications. Medications like low dose naltrexone (LDN) are used by doctors all over the world and have many possible uses. Yet many people do not know about LDN or how it could benefit their condition. Glutathione (GSH) is one of those treatments that has the potential to improve many diseases but is…
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Treating Allergic Rhinitis from Seasonal Allergies

Spring is the time when people with seasonal allergies usually suffer the most. Seasonal allergies can vary depending on location, but high pollen counts in the Spring and Summer are the cause of many allergy-sufferers sinus symptoms. Allergens during these seasons can cause a condition called allergic rhinitis, which is another name for the familiar runny nose, sneezing, and itching associated with an allergic response. While some people will try…
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Brewer Protocol and Biotoxin Illness

Brewer Protocol and Biotoxin Illness In our last blog we talked about the Shoemaker Protocol, which is one method of treating biotoxin illness associated with exposure to mycotoxins. In this blog we’re going to talk about an alternative called the Brewer Protocol. Developed by Dr. Joseph Brewer and his colleagues, this protocol focuses on the colonization of bacteria in the sinus cavities. According to Dr. Brewer’s research this is the…
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