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Dental Anesthetic Gels – Instructions and Safety

The topical anesthetic gel for dentistry that we compound is BTT 12.5 - which is popular with dentists in multiple specialties. Since BTT is compounded, it is not FDA-approved. Without clinical trials and studies that demonstrate the efficacy and safety of particular dosages, most dentists rely on their experience and the advice of their peers when using compounded products. However there are general guidelines that can be used for applying…
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Topical Anesthesia for Propel Orthodontics

The Propel technology is used in orthodontics to speed up the movement of teeth. The procedure stimulates cell activity to increase bone turnover by making small perforations in the bone. It is used in combination with orthodontic treatments like traditional braces and Invisalign to get patients results faster and increase practice efficiency.  By affecting the biology of tooth movement, Propel can cut the time that braces need to be worn…
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