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Hydroquinone for Melasma

Hydroquinone for Melasma Melasma is difficult to treat condition with no cure but there are several treatment options available that can reduce its appearance. The mainstay treatment for melasma is prescription hydroquinone cream. Topical treatments are generally the most effective way to treat melasma. They have fewer side effects than systemic medications and are applied directly to the areas of concern. The topical hydroquinone for melasma that is available commercially…
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What is the Best Numbing Cream for Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal continues to be a popular cosmetic treatment for both women and men. Even with the increased use of Botox, fillers, laser resurfacing, and skin tightening devices, laser hair removal is still the most frequently requested treatment. While usually not as painful as something like laser resurfacing or a deep chemical peel, laser hair removal can still be uncomfortable. Many individuals having laser hair removal request a numbing…
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Benzocaine Cream

Dermatologists and aestheticians frequently use benzocaine cream for a variety of skin procedures. The skin can be numbed with a benzocaine cream before everything from mole removal to skin tightening. This cream makes the experience of a cosmetic procedure more comfortable for patients and easier for professionals. Benzocaine cream is also sometimes prescribed to provide pain relief form minor burns and irritations on the surface of the body. While benzocaine…
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Best Permanent Makeup Numbing Cream

Permanent makeup application provides a clean, consistent look for makeup that doesn’t fade. It makes it so that a woman can wake up every day with a flawlessly done face. The procedure is the same as a tattoo permanently inking the skin. This involves small needle punctures to insert the ink. Since this can be painful, a numbing cream is often used to make the procedure more comfortable. The best…
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Hydroquinone Prescription Creams

Hydroquinone is an effective lightening agent used by dermatologists and aestheticians. A hydroquinone cream is sometimes referred to as a “bleaching cream” because of its ability to lighten skin tone but there is no bleach in any of these products. While there are lower-strength versions of these creams available over-the-counter, the higher strengths are only available with a prescription. Additionally, the highest strength that is commercially available with a prescription…
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Best Numbing Cream for Microblading

One aesthetic technique that is becoming increasingly popular is microblading – which involves making realistic-looking eyebrows with carefully placed pigment. Microblading produces excellent results that are semi-permanent, which means they have to be touched up occasionally but in general will stay for at least two years. The procedure makes it so that eyebrows always look perfect and never need to be filled in. Since it involves the use of small…
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Skin Numbing Cream Application Tips

A skin numbing cream can be an effective way to make both medical and cosmetic procedures easier.  Dermatologists in particular find that a skin numbing cream is useful in a variety of situations they encounter on a daily basis. Aestheticians use numbing creams to make cosmetic treatments safer and less painful. A skin numbing cream can be used before a variety of procedures including: Biopsies Removal of skin lesions Dermabrasion…
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Compound Anti Aging Prescriptions

Aging of the skin combined with symptoms of hormone decline can lead to feeling aged before being old. Premature aging of the skin can result from years of exposure to UV rays, smoking, and bad skincare habits. With age comes diminished levels of collagen in the skin, which can cause wrinkles and volume loss. Production of hormones also slows with age, which can lead to uncomfortable symptoms. There are multiple…
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What is the Best Numbing Cream for Fillers?

Recently facial fillers have become the next most popular cosmetic treatment after Botox. Fillers are injected to increase volume in the cheeks, nasolabial folds, lips, and other areas. While many cosmetic patients are now having facial fillers along with their Botox, having multiple injections may cause some discomfort. The fear of pain from an injection may even stop some individuals from using fillers, even though they want the results. Using…
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Rosacea Cream

Rosacea flare-ups are caused by certain triggers that can be environmental, chemical, or emotional. Sun exposure, spicy food, and blushing can all lead to prolonged facial redness but triggers vary between individuals. While finding these triggers and avoiding them is an essential part of managing rosacea, medications are usually prescribed as well to get flare-ups under control. A rosacea cream is the most commonly used treatment along with laser and…
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