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Brewer Protocol and Biotoxin Illness

Brewer Protocol and Biotoxin Illness In our last blog we talked about the Shoemaker Protocol, which is one method of treating biotoxin illness associated with exposure to mycotoxins. In this blog we’re going to talk about an alternative called the Brewer Protocol. Developed by Dr. Joseph Brewer and his colleagues, this protocol focuses on the colonization of bacteria in the sinus cavities. According to Dr. Brewer’s research this is the…
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What is Biotoxin Illness (aka CIRS)?

Biotoxin illness (or mold sickness) is one of those illnesses that can be difficult to detect at first. When you start experiencing symptoms you may confuse them with another kind of illness or not pay attention to them. It isn’t always apparent that you have a mold problem in your house or work environment. Anywhere in a building where moisture is present is a place for mold to grow. Leaks…
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