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Autism Medications from a Compounding Pharmacy

Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) most often involves behavioral therapy complemented by medicine. Drugs used to treat autism are usually prescribed off-label for hyperactivity, anxiety, and irritability. There are several medicines available, including glutathione and low dose naltrexone that have shown promise as effective treatments for autism and are also well-tolerated. While these medications have not undergone rigorous testing, small initial studies have recommended further research into their effectiveness. …
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Glutathione Supplementation

There are some medications and supplements that are not well known but have a wide range of possible applications. Medications like low dose naltrexone (LDN) are used by doctors all over the world and have many possible uses. Yet many people do not know about LDN or how it could benefit their condition. Glutathione (GSH) is one of those treatments that has the potential to improve many diseases but is…
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