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Mast Cell Activation Syndrome – Diagnosis and Treatment

Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is a rare condition that sometimes is misdiagnosed. There are various resources online that discuss MCAS, its causes, and treatments. However some of these resources have an overly broad scope of what is classified as MCAS. Many patients have some type of mast cell activation issue but do not have MCAS. The diagnosis of MCAS is difficult as it is associated with a variety of…
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Compounding for Lyme Disease

Many years ago, all pharmacies engaged in compounding medications. Over time, with the increase in manufacturing of prescription medications and the oversight of the FDA, compounding became more of a “niche” service for particular patient populations. A modern compounding pharmacy now makes formulations that help fill the gaps in treatment where a suitable commercially available medication is not available. These formulations often complement FDA-approved medications and do not just replace…
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Ketotifen for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)

Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) and mastocytosis are two conditions that affect how mast cells function. There is no cure for these conditions and in most cases they are present because of a genetic predisposition. Treatments focus on improving the dermatological, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and other symptoms that result from overproduction of certain chemical mediators. Antihistamines are one of the most frequently used types of medications for managing these symptoms. The…
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