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Numbing Cream for RF Microneedling

Radiofrequency microneedling, also called RF microneedling, has become increasingly popular with patients seeking skin rejuvenation. The treatment uses a combination of technologies that have been used individually for many years. When used together they are intended to have synergistic effects to increase collagen production and improve skin tone and texture. While not as painful as some more invasive treatments, RF microneedling still requires a numbing cream to get the best…
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What is the Best Numbing Cream for Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal continues to be a popular cosmetic treatment for both women and men. Even with the increased use of Botox, fillers, laser resurfacing, and skin tightening devices, laser hair removal is still the most frequently requested treatment. While usually not as painful as something like laser resurfacing or a deep chemical peel, laser hair removal can still be uncomfortable. Many individuals having laser hair removal request a numbing…
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What is the Best Numbing Cream for Laser Treatments?

As cosmetic laser treatments and injectables such as Botox and fillers have become more popular so has the use of topical anesthesia by dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and other doctors. Topical numbing creams like BLT cream make the experience of having an injectable or laser procedure more comfortable. When the patient finds that getting their injection or laser treatment is easy and painless, they are more likely to come back to…
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