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Mold Illness and Remediation

What is mold and what are its effects on the body? There are various misconceptions about mold, its types, and its effects. Mold is a type of fungus that includes a large variety of species. Most kinds of mold can be distinguished from other fungi by the soft, fuzzy appearance on the surface. This is caused by the networking of hyphae that connect the organism and distinguish mold from other…
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Compounding Pharmacy and Treating Mold Illness

The path from diagnose of a biotoxin illness through treatment and recovery can be a long and difficult one. Dr. Shoemaker’s discoveries in the late 1990s were the beginning of a wider recognition of CIRS and biotoxin-related health conditions. Over the years, many other doctors have added to the research and have improved treatment protocols. Despite this, there is widespread lack of acceptance of mold-related illnesses by the majority of…
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Shoemaker Protocol and Biotoxin Illness

Dr. Richie Shoemaker is one of the leading physicians and researchers studying illness related to mold exposure. He has written extensively on how mold exposure contributes to a range of health problems including CIRS. His website and books are the go-to resources for anyone suffering from biotoxin illness as well as for medical professionals treating the condition. Certification in the Shoemaker Protocol is available to doctors through survivingmold.com, which is…
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What is Biotoxin Illness (aka CIRS)?

Biotoxin illness (or mold sickness) is one of those illnesses that can be difficult to detect at first. When you start experiencing symptoms you may confuse them with another kind of illness or not pay attention to them. It isn’t always apparent that you have a mold problem in your house or work environment. Anywhere in a building where moisture is present is a place for mold to grow. Leaks…
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