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Hypothyroidism Diet

Although there are numerous different types of diets that have been recommended for patients with hypothyroidism, there is no significant evidence that there needs to be a “thyroid diet.” In general the only dietary consideration for those with hypothyroidism is the adequate intake of iodine. There may also be certain foods that should be avoided immediately before or after taking thyroid hormone. However there is no extensive, hard-to-follow diet required…
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T3 Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hypothyroidism is the under-production of thyroid hormones resulting in important body processes no longer functioning properly. Hormones produced by the thyroid glands including T3 hormone have a critical impact on many processes of the body through managing metabolic rate. (For more in-depth information about hypothyroidism go to our Education Center.) Since there is no cure for hypothyroidism, it usually requires lifelong hormone replacement therapy with daily supplementation. The hormone therapy…
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