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Dental Anxiety and Needlephobia

The pain (and expectation of pain) of getting a local anesthetic injection can cause significant anxiety for many patients. Anxiety surrounding pain is the main reason many patients avoid going to the dentist when they have an oral health problem. Besides just improving the patient’s rating of their experience, better pain control before injections can lead to better oral health as well. Patients who experience less pain at their appointments…
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Dental Anesthetic for Scaling and Root Planing

Chronic periodontitis affects about half of the adult population over 30 in the United States. Despite the efforts of dentists and organizations advocating for good oral hygiene habits, periodontal disease is still extremely common. Scaling and root planing is the standard procedure used for reducing the severity of chronic periodontitis. However getting patients to return for the multiple sessions needed to see results can be difficult. The deep cleaning of…
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Dental Anesthetic Gels – Instructions and Safety

The topical anesthetic gel for dentistry that we compound is BTT 12.5 - which is popular with dentists in multiple specialties. Since BTT is compounded, it is not FDA-approved. Without clinical trials and studies that demonstrate the efficacy and safety of particular dosages, most dentists rely on their experience and the advice of their peers when using compounded products. However there are general guidelines that can be used for applying…
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Product Spotlight: TAC 20 Gel

One of our popular compounds at Park Compounding Pharmacy is our TAC 20. However, the name TAC 20 is not an accurate acronym for this dental anesthesia. The “TAC” used to stand for tetracaine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and cocaine and the product was used mostly in emergency rooms. Since the product no longer contains those exact ingredients we often call it TAC 20% alternate. Now, our specially compounded prescription TAC 20…
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Novocaine and Modern Dental Anesthesia

TAC 20 gel, Profound gel, and the Baddest Topical in Town are all compounded dental anesthesia products available to dentists from our pharmacy. There weren’t always so many options though. Painful teeth have always been a problem and there have been different methods throughout history to make their removal less painful. Usually it's much more painful to keep a tooth than to remove it. Herbs, flowers, and alcohol have been…
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