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What are Medication Excipients?

Medication Excipients Most modern drugs that are manufactured and many that are made by compounding pharmacies include other ingredients that enhance or protect the medication. These excipients are non-active ingredients that act as enhancers, stabilizers, or fillers to help make the medication more effective. They sometimes are used to keep medication stable through shipping, storage, and handling. In most cases inactive ingredients are harmless and do not produce any reaction,…
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What is the Best Numbing Cream for Fillers?

Recently facial fillers have become the next most popular cosmetic treatment after Botox. Fillers are injected to increase volume in the cheeks, nasolabial folds, lips, and other areas. While many cosmetic patients are now having facial fillers along with their Botox, having multiple injections may cause some discomfort. The fear of pain from an injection may even stop some individuals from using fillers, even though they want the results. Using…
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What is the Best Numbing Cream for Laser Treatments?

As cosmetic laser treatments and injectables such as Botox and fillers have become more popular so has the use of topical anesthesia by dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and other doctors. Topical numbing creams like BLT cream make the experience of having an injectable or laser procedure more comfortable. When the patient finds that getting their injection or laser treatment is easy and painless, they are more likely to come back to…
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