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Thyroid Problems in Women

While thyroid problems can affect anyone, they are more common in women than in men. The symptoms of thyroid disorders in women often appear after menopause or after a pregnancy. Because thyroid hormone plays an essential role throughout the body, especially in metabolism, an imbalance can cause a variety of symptoms. The thyroid gland plays a role in regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle and in providing a baby with thyroid…
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Cholesytramine Uses

Cholestyramine (CSM) is has been used for many years and has a variety of possible applications. It is FDA-approved to lower cholesterol levels but has numerous off-label uses. Cholestyramine’s ability to bind to toxins makes it an especially useful treatment for biotoxin illness. It is used to treat many conditions including diabetes, Crohn’s, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), and hyperthyroidism. Cholestyramine itself is not absorbed by the body, but binds…
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