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Skincare Trend: Tranexamic Acid Cream

One skin care ingredient that has been discussed a lot recently is tranexamic acid. This product was initially developed to reduce bleeding and is still most commonly used for this purpose. However many dermatologists are now prescribing tranexamic acid to treat conditions of the skin including melasma. This ingredient has a favorable side effect profile compared to some others used to treat melasma and has been shown to be effective…
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Jessner’s Peel Compounded Solution

When it comes to skincare treatments, it often seems like it is always about what is new and trendy. However one of the most popular chemical peel treatments, the Jessner’s peel, has actually been around for over 100 years. This combination peel was available in different concentrations until the dermatologist Max Jessner set a standard formulation. The original formulation included salicylic acid, resorcinol, and lactic acid in alcohol. It has…
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Niacinamide in Skincare

There are many skincare ingredients available now with numerous claims of efficacy. There are a few ingredients however that have been studied extensively for many years and have clearly demonstrated their skincare benefits. Niacinamide (also called nicotinamide or NAM), which is the physiologically active form of the essential vitamin niacin or vitamin B3, has been shown to effectively treat various dermatological conditions. This ingredient has been shown to have antioxidant…
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Hydroquinone Tretinoin Creams

While lightening treatments like tranexamic acid cream are gaining in popularity, hydroquinone remains the standard treatment for hyperpigmentation of various causes. Certain over-the-counter products like Porcelana cream contain hydroquinone in low concentrations – usually around 2%. The higher concentration creams with 6%, 8%, or 10% hydroquinone in combination with other ingredients can only be obtained from a compounding pharmacy. In addition, a compounding pharmacy can make customized creams with several…
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Tranexamic Acid for Melasma

Tranexamic acid has been used for many years for managing blood loss. It is also an effective treatment for melasma that has fewer side effects than hydroquinone. This makes it an appealing option for a skin condition that is resistant to medication and may require repeated treatment courses. While there is no commercially available preparation of tranexamic acid in topical form, it can still be obtained by taking advantage of…
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Compounding for Women’s Health

Women’s health is one of the most frequently overlooked areas in medications that are developed for manufacturing. Many problems that are unique to women do not have FDA-approved medications available to treat them. A compounding pharmacy has the ability to customize medications to meet the unique needs of women. There are numerous medications made by a compounding pharmacy that are not made in any commercially available form. Hormone Replacement Therapy…
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Top 5 Melasma Cream Ingredients

Melasma – an acquired condition that results in hypermelanosis of the skin – is a common condition among women that is notoriously difficult to treat. However, it is manageable and can be helped with the right topical treatment. While there is no cure for being susceptible to developing melasma, the appearance of hyperpigmentation can be reduced. This is accomplished through a combination of topical treatments and vigilant sun protection. Many…
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Melanage, Cosmelan MD, and Melasma Treatment

Melasma kits are sold under a variety of brand names but all have similar ingredients. These kits come with a combination of chemical peels, creams, and cleansers. A compounding pharmacy can make a melasma kit with the same ingredients but in unique combinations and higher strengths. Commercially Available Melasma Kits: Melanage and Cosmelan MD Combining multiple ingredients into one chemical peel is not new. These ingredients have been used by…
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Tranexamic Acid Applications

Tranexamic acid is antifibrinolytic medication that has numerous applications. It is primarily used to control bleeding – in particular heavy menstrual bleeding and bleeding associated with oral surgeries. First discovered in the 1960s, tranexamic acid is now included on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines and is used regularly in clinics throughout the world. It is only recently that it has been recognized for its potential to save…
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Dermatology Compounding

Products that Are Not Commercially Available Dermatologists are frequent prescribers of compounded creams. There are many combinations of ingredients that can be made by a compounding pharmacy that are not commercially available. Higher-strength ingredients can be used including in hydroquinone creams and chemical peels. A compounding pharmacy makes medications that have been discontinued, are experiencing shortages, or are not available in the United States. Combination drug products are available to…
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